New update!
Here's the new content and patch!
-Added lights along the outside of the asteroid field walls
-Changed the walls into an asteroid field
-Fixed delta timing in the new movement system.
-Added pitch change to shot and hurt sounds.
-Added speed boost pads to the racing mode.
-Added main menu background
-Changed speed limiter controls to space.
-Added a loading screen.
-Added countdown that starts when all players have joined the map or after 30 seconds 1 person have joined.
-Added speed boosts to every race map.
-Redesigned every race map.
-Added a fourth race map that is twice as wide as the normal maps.
-Made the map size dynamic so maps can be as big as I make them.
-Fixed the netcode problem so people will always be on the map when they should be.
-Made the minimaps tidier.
-Added beep sound to start countdown.
-Fixed the i in the LOADiNG screen.
-Added star background.
-Added boost sound.
-Changed x and y update back to clientside.
-Fixed delta timing.
-Added autotiling to make the track show up better.
-Added asteroid tiles.
-Added asteroid tiles with lights.
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